Aaj Entertainment’s Hum Sab Ajeeb se Hain is scheduled to return to your television screens soon with Season 2 bolder and full of laughs thanks to a script by Dr Younis Butt.

Season 2 brings back Hina Dilpazir (Behtraeen), Shabeer Jan (Hashim) and they are joined by newcomers Faiza Saleem (Zohra Jabeen), Yashmeera Jan (Esha), Ahmed Hassan (Pappu), Shahid Khauaja (Happy) and Kainat Kazmi (Baby).

Hina Dilpazir graced us with some behind-the-scenes shots on Instagram.

The story is of a family that treasures every second of their time spent together. However, there is a twist as we know is always the case with even the best of families.

The couple’s intelligent husband (Hashim) compliments his foolish wife (Behtareen), trying to offset her quirks but despite his best intentions he always lands in trouble or awkward situations. For her part, Mrs. Behtareen tries to cover up the mess created with the help of their two children Pappu and Eeshal, and Hashim’s sister Zohra Jabeen.

Get ready for more memes and inside jokes with this comedy where abrupt one-liners and hilarious expressions will definitely lighten your mood.


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